When it was announced that one of my favorite things, Sale-a-bration, would happen twice a year instead of once, I couldn't have been more excited.
The way it used to be:
one time a year for three months, January-March
one Sale-a-bration brochure, 8-10 products
choose a free product with every $50 in orders or a larger product free with a $100 orders
a second release of more Sale-a-bration products in February
a special host stamp set free in addition to regular host benefits
a special incentive to purchase the Starter Kit
Sale-a-bration products become a little stale by March
The way it is now:
two times a year for two months each. First, January and February, then July and August (because of shipping issues, Stampin' Up!® changed it to August and September this year)
two Sale-a-bration brochures (one for each Sale-a-bration), with 8-10 product options each
choose a free product with every $50 in orders or a larger product free with a $100 orders
a second special host stamp set free in addition to regular host benefits
a second special incentive to purchase the Starter Kit
product is fresh and exciting for both Sale-a-bration order periods because the time is so limited
I am loving this second Sale-a-bration so much, that I really don't want it to end. Would it be special then? Maybe not. So my conclusion is that if it leaves me wanting more, that's not a bad thing. With only two weeks left is 2021's Sale-a-bration #2, it's worth a review.
Choose one of these items with each $50 order you place by September 30:
The following can be chosen with orders of $100 or more. The Summer Shadows Dies shown below on the left coordinate with the Shaded Summer stamp set in the Annual Catalog:
Party hosts who have a party of $300 or more (or individuals who place orders of $300 or more) will receive this stamp set free with their order:

And finally, the best thing ever would be to purchase the Starter Kit:
$125 in product (your choice) for $99
A Free bundle from the July-December Mini Catalog - choose from the list below
FREE shipping on your Starter Kit
A previous Paper Pumpkin kit to try
An invitation to our exclusive demonstrator club (so many happy things happen with this!)
So. Much. More.

Please do not miss out on these amazing offers during Sale-a-bration. Contact me for more information using the email button below!
Stamping blessings!