In case you are wondering, "happies" is a noun meaning simply, "happy things." I don't think I made up that word because when I searched it on the internet, I found that Huggies diapers uses "happies" on the packaging of some of their diapers. Other companies use it as a noun, too, so that's good enough for me. :)
One of my favorite happiest of happies is in the world of Stampin' Up!® I fell in love with the product so long ago now, that I can't remember a life without it. One of the happies of doing what I do is attending demonstrator events. Stampin' Up! puts on some incredibly satisfying events, and right now we are in the middle of OnStage, a celebration of the past Stampin' Up! year that runs October-September, as well as a training and introduction of new products to come very soon!

I'm not gonna favorite part of OnStage is not only seeing January - June catalog product demonstrations, but to be able to purchase some of those products several weeks before other demonstrators are able to. That just plain makes me feel special.

Another of my favorite happies of being a demonstrator are the sales Stampin' Up! has throughout the year. Why is this special for demonstrators, you ask, when customers get to take advantage of the specials, too? Did you know that when demonstrators order products that are already discounted, we receive a demonstrator discount of 20% or 25% off in addition to the already sale prices? What I'm saying is that during the upcoming Seasonal Sale where cardstock will be 10% off, ink pads will be 15% off, and Dies will be 20% off, Demonstrators will receive those discounts when making our purchase PLUS our demonstrator discount on top of that. Should I feel guilty when I take advantage of savings on top of savings? Absolutely not! This, my friends, is a demonstrator perk.

So with these first two happies in mind, please allow me to announce the happiest happies of all...The Starter Kit is now an amazing $125 in product for ONLY $75! Fifty dollars shipping on the kit, an old Paper Pumpkin kit and business supplies (you know, in case you want to use your Starter Kit to actually see what a Stampin' Up! business could do for you) is an incredible buy. You'll get the most bang for your buck on this one, especially if your wish list is already long and overwhelming. The Start with Savings promotion gives you an opportunity during the month of November to purchase the best kit ever at the best price ever. To purchase that Starter Kit, you can click the "Join My Team" button at the top of this page. If you have questions, please feel free to ask! Don't let this amazing deal on your custom made stamping supply kit slip away! Offer ends November 30.
Stamping happies to you!