Each time we celebrate Sale-a-bration with free products, I tend to accumulate extra free items that I like to give away. This time around was no different. Like last year at this time, I'm simply extending Sale-a-bration to give away items with $50 and $100 orders. In this blog post, I'm going to share what I have available. Then as people order and choose their extra SAB items, I'll remove what's no longer available. We will continue this until March 31 or items are too picked over to keep around...whatever comes first. You'll notice I have items from this past Sale-a-bration, last fall's Sale-a-bration, and beyond. This is a great opportunity to grab the items you wish you had gotten when they were available through Stampin' Up!® I have multiples of several of the items, so hopefully I'll have what you want when you place your order!
These are items you can choose with a $50 order:
These are the items you can choose with a $100 order, but keep in mind you can choose multiple of the $50 items, instead, if you wish:
One more fun thing is that I have some extra host stamp sets, 2 of which are from Sale-a-bration the last year or so, and one host set that was in the January-June 2021 Mini Catalog. You can choose one for free with an order of $150 or more, in addition to the other Extended Sale-a-bration items above! You can also gather and submit orders from friends that add up to $150 or more.
If you already enjoy Sale-a-bration four months of the year, why not love it for one more month?? It's a great opportunity to collect amazing Stampin' Up!® products for free! Shop my online store here.
Happy shopping!